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Quote of the day

Do one thing every day that scares you.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Stride Tickets: Privacy Policy

Stride Tickets: Privacy Policy ("Stride Tickets," "we," "us," or "our") is the owner and operator of this website named Since we value our customers, we want them to be familiar with how their personal information, which they share with us, will be collected, used, and disclosed by us and how these data are secured. This is our privacy policy page, which helps you understand all your activities on this website. It helps us collect information about you and how we will use it. 

It is also important to keep in mind that anybody who visits agrees to the terms and conditions of our privacy policy. 

Personal Information

"Personal Information" is any data that is being used to identify the individual or related to any identifiable person. This personal information includes the following kinds of data-

  • Name or User Name

  • Address or Mailing Address

  • Telephone or Mobile Number

  • Email Address

  • Social Media account details (platform name, user name, DOB, gender, location, etc.)

  • Bank details(Name, account number, credit card number, debit card number, any other specific details)

  • Passport number

  • Any other information that you have provided during booking tickets. (such as your preferences, needs, etc.)

  • Demographic information

How do Stride Tickets collect your Personal Information?

We may collect your personal information in a variety of ways, and these include-

  • Using Services: Your personal information is collected when you provide it when using any of our services, such as booking tickets, checking in for hotels, or renting a car. The system automatically collects your data.

  • Offline Methods: When you used to connect with our sales team or customer service team over non-digital methods like a phone call. 

  • Other Sources: We may collect information from other platforms as well, such as any public or private databases, marketing partners, and social media accounts, to offer you a seamless and better user experience and services. 

How do Stride Tickets use your Personal Information?

We may use your personal data-

  • For making a booking request, completing the payment processing, communicating with your respected entities regarding bookings or purchases, and offering you support services.

  • Completing your service request by sending you responses. These can be offers, newsletters, etc.

  • To notify you about any changes in operation, terms and conditions, policies, and services.

  • Helping you to make decisions by suggesting to you based on your preferences and allowing you to participate in marketing or promotional campaigns. 

  • To grow our business and sales, including developing new products, conducting research and development, and conducting other studies and analytical purposes.

How do Stride Tickets disclose your Personal Information?

Agreeing to the privacy policy means you are allowing us to disclose your personal information. Any entity partnered with us is not under our control, and we may disclose this personal information to them and they may use it as they want per their terms or use or security practices. Any travel partner, business partner, legal partner, or third-party service provider can be these entities.


We have taken all the safety and security measures by maintaining international standards to protect our users' Personal Information within our reach. We are using the latest technology and keep upgrading it to offer the maximum safety of our users' data so it stays safe with us. We also understand that data security through these technologies doesn't offer 100% security. Still, if there's any situation in which you feel concerned about your data,  you are allowed to reach out to our technical department anytime.

Use of Website

Any individual below 16 years old is advised not to visit this website or use the services. Stride Tickets does not allow any access to their services to any such person and are requested not to disclose their personal information with this website. Please make sure to surf this website under the guidance of an adult or legal guardian if you, being a minor, want to surf.


Your browser may store data about your activities in the form of cookies, and we may collect, store, and use these cookies data to improve our services and make your user experience more seamless. The collection of cookies data may be done without letting you be aware of that and to be able to show you relevant promotional, brand, or business growth materials. 

Updates to Privacy Policy reserves all rights to make changes or modifications to these terms and conditions of the privacy policy in response to any technical, business development, and administrative operations at any point in time. If we propose any such changes, upgrades, or modifications, we believe that you agree to them and will allow us to commute them without notifying you. Any such changes will become effective as soon as they are revised.

Final verdict—If you are reading this, you may have reviewed our privacy policy and agreed to all terms. If you have any concerns or queries, you are free to share them with us using several contact options by visiting our Contact Us page. 


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