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Quote of the day

Do one thing every day that scares you.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Save your child from too much Screen Time: A serious Concern.


Save your child from too much Screen Time: A serious Concern.

Is your child addicted to television or mobile screens? Do you want to reduce their screen time? Too much screen time may have severe effects on the child's mental and visual development, and there are surveys and reports that say too much screen causes children stress in their mind and strains in their eyes, which eventually reduce the focal power of the eyes which cannot be cured. 

This guide will help you know how you can be prepared for that and what healthy screen times you should allow your kids to have. so let's go through the below part and fnd out.

What Are Healthy Screen Time Limits for Children?

when it comes to reduce teh screen time in kids, parents generally not aware of what are the healthy screen time limits for children and hence they feel helpless and don't stop them to go from the screen. According to the many pediatricians and ophthalmologists recommend a few guidelines that suggests how much screen time is good for the kids of various age groups.

  • To children in the agreed group of under 2 years, their screen time must be zero. Video chats with family are allowed by maintaining enough distance between the child's eyes and the screen. 

  • Kids in the age range of 2 and 5 years: they are only allowed to co-view with siblings or parents for one hour a day. 

  • Kids more than 5 to up to 17 years of age: In case of homework or projects, it could be more than 2 hours, but in general, strictly 2 hours a day, not more than that. 

What is a realistic screen time limit for kids?

The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry has done a survey and concluded that, on average, children in the age group of 8-12 spend 4-6 hours a day utilizing screens, and teenagers have up to 9 hours. These screen times may lead them to deal with severe disorders or mental health issues. They have suggested a few guidelines below on how much realistic screen time is good for children. According to them-

  • Up to 24 months, children can either chat on videos or watch educational content with caregivers.

  • The screen time limit for children up to age 5 is one hour a day and 2 -3 hours on weekends.

  • In the 6 or older age group, screen time may increase, but it should be limited by encouraging healthy habits and activities. 

  • Screen time must be off one hour before going to bed. 

What are the symptoms of too much screen time?

Whenever you do something consistently, it becomes a habit and part of your lifestyle, and you don't even realize it. Same happen with kids nowadays, too much of screen time has become thie habit and part of life which is generally cause detrimental to their body and mind. You can prevent this from becoming adverse by learning about the symptoms.

  • Sleepiness and mood problems.

  • FOMO and less time with family and friends.

  • Lower grades and reading fewer books.

  • Less physical activity and poor self and body image. 

How bad is too much screen time for kids?

As per the researchers, excessive screen time leads to behavior disorders such as conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder for preteens, along with the risk of developing OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive disorder). Children's heavy reliance on mobile and television screens has been rising day by day and also silently harming their cognitive, linguistic, and social-emotion growth. In teenagers and preteens, exposure to too much screen time has been helping them to reach Obesity, violence in thier acts and behavior, attention problems, and, most importantly, reduces their ability to learn and grow as well as poor social-connection. 


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