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Do one thing every day that scares you.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

A Sneak-Peek at Emerging Trends in Mobile App Development


A Sneak-Peek at Emerging Trends in Mobile App Development

Just think for a while. Have you ever felt that you would be managing everything in your day-to-day life with your hands, sitting on a chair, or lying in bed? No right? If you look at it 30 years ago, AI was just a concept that was used in sci-fi movies and comics, but in today's technological era, it has become a part of life. Over the past ten years, there has been a trend you can see in mobile app development: it has evolved to provide business solutions practically and make them reach potential customers. Let's find the latest trends seen in Mobile App Development. 

User Experience (UX): Where the User Interface was trending a few years back, it is now undertaken by User Experience. Nowadays, you have noticed that mobile apps have become more user-interactive. To make any app successful, it must have a better user experience; thus, developers are more focused on UX design, intuitive interface, and seamless navigation between app pages, and many companies have a dedicated team who only work on R&D in how to make the app user experience better. 

Artificial Intelligence: It is no longer a concept; it has become a reality and has been used in many apps, making them user-friendly. By transforming the work functionality, you can find AI to personalize user experience and curate future content based on interests. Examples are used for answering questions, creating content, and more. News-based apps use AI to drive interest-based news to the users, and Graphic editing software uses AI to simplify complex editing.

5G Technology: You may have imagined or dreamed that you can download a 4K movie in a few seconds, but 5G has made it a reality. 5G technology promises faster data speed and low latency; thus, it has become an emerging trend that opens gates for apps that are more focused on real-time data processing, HD video Streaming, cloud gaming, and more. 

Extended Reality and Augmented Reality (XR/AR): This technology has been quite trending in mobile app development in the form of AR and gaming interfaces. You may have used such apps as IKEA Place and Amazon Shopping App, where you can see how your furniture looks in your home. Some remarkable examples that use this technology in mobile apps are Pokemon Go, Snapchat Lenses, and Google Maps AR Navigation. AR, on the other hand, provides new possibilities for the real world, where you visualize products for the interactive learning experience.


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