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Do one thing every day that scares you.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Interesting facts on airline's safety procedures and protocols.


Interesting facts on airline's safety procedures and protocols. 

Safety is always one of the top priorities of people whenever they travel, and when it comes to traveling on an airplane, the safety of people becomes crucial, in fact, for all airlines and governments as well. Safety procedures and measures are taken to ensure safety not only for travelers but also for flight attendants, which includes pre-flight safety checks, aircraft maintenance & inspections, air traffic controls, and more practices. In this guide, you will learn interesting things regarding the airline's safety processes and rules, what their standards are to measure them, and more. 

What are the safety measures taken in aircraft?

When it comes to measuring the safety of aircraft, it includes a few things, which primarily include pre-flight inspections, regular maintenance, adherence to standard operating procedures, and using modern systems for navigating and communication purposes while flying. To keep the passengers safe on their seat, there are a few more things where the crew focuses on that includes.

  • Seat on which they are seated: Comfortably designed seat to withstand high stress in the event of a crash landing.

  • The seat belt: to keep you safely seated on the seat.

  • Oxygen mask Dropping: when cabin depressurizing occurs, it quickly drops down for survival.

  • Trained flight attendants: They are responsible for providing guidance to passengers during emergency evacuations. 

What are the safety instructions for airlines?

Safety Instructions are given to airlines by international aviation governing bodies. these safety instructions is nothing but a set of rules and procedures that a airline needed to take care. These safety instructions are mostly the same for every airliens. In fact, some airlines may increase the level of safety standards and protocols to ensure more safety. Some of the most common Safety instructions that airlines must follow are given below in easy-to-understand points.

  • Pre-flight Checklist: This includes the airworthiness and registration certificate, operating handbook, and data papers on weight and balance. These are a part of the pre-flight checklist, where certificates ensure whether the aircraft is airworthy or not, and manual and data papers contain information that is required to operate the aircraft. 

  • Aware about Flight Plan: It is usually for the pilot who will fly the aircraft. It includes weather, routes, and other necessary details. 

  • Cockpit must be Check: Doing a pre-check of the instruments and gauges and ensure everything is working properly, giving correct readings. 

How do airlines measure safety?

For the airlines, measuring safety in another important and crucial aspect of airlines. Here, how much is it safe to flying with an airlines is determine by the the rating given to the airline. the safety is given by the international aviation regulatory bodies ICAO, leading association, and IATA. Below are some criteria which is considered for the safety assessment and based on that an airline is rated with stars. 

  • First Star for: In the last five years, has the airline gone through with a fatal crash?

  • Second Star for: Has the airline had any previous pilot-related incidents? If yes, how many times and how serious were they?

  • Third Star is given for: Has the airline passed all the major audits?

  • Fourth Star for: Is the airline complying with COVID-19 standards?

  • Fifth Star for: Whether the aircraft and service are working efficiently or not. It includes the health data of the aircraft used, and protocols to be followed by the airline. 

What are the airline passenger safety procedures?

Airline passenger safety procedures includes practice that set of instructions such as pre-flgiht checks. emergency drills, and safety briefings. Using the airline passenger safety procedures, can minimize potential hazards and in unforeseen circumstances, how to response promptly. below are some procedures given that airlines do before the take off. 

  • Enhanced passenger safety certifications that are designed for crashworthiness and ditching.

  • Training of the flight attendants must be strictly done to conduct safety drills properly so that during the evacuation, they can efficiently perform safety evacuations done by cabin crew, improving efficiency.

  • Passengers must be informed about the right use of the safety equipment.

  • Teaching passengers that how they should take necessary actions in the event of an emergency situation so that the rate of survival can be incresed.

  • The operators must have information that instructs them about safety briefings with cards, signs, markings, occupancy of emergency evacuation and exit row seats, brace positions and commands, carry-on baggage, and other considerations. 


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